Castle Island provision returns, 1779-1790.


Castle Island provision returns, 1779-1790.

Fortifications at Castle Island, Boston Harbor, used since the 1640s for military and penal purposes, were rebuilt after being burned by evacuating British forces in 1776, and then manned by various militia troops, at times under the command of Paul Revere. A military garrison consisting of a company of men was established there in 1779; the island became the site of a prison facility for Massachusetts from 1785 to 1798. The commissary general was first authorized (including retrospectively) in May 1780 by Resolves 1779-80, c 1098 to supply rations to the garrison. (Provisioning was contracted out per Resolves 1790, Jan 1791 Sess, c 170; for bond of authorized contractor Ruggles and Smith, Mar. 29, 1791, see: Massachusetts. Treasury Dept. Bonds of office holders and suppliers ((M-Ar)1665X)--miscellaneous, 1787-1803.) Series was created to document rations requested by Castle Island officials.

0.52 cubic ft. (2 doc. boxes)

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